Advanced Assessment Methods for Nuclear Power Plant Safety

Successful Training Course on Structural Integrity Analyses of RPV Under PTS Loads

On May 13, the APAL representatives from JSI and PSI successfully conducted a one-day training course on structural integrity analyses of Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPVs) under Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) loads. The event was held in connection with the End-user Workshop in Warsaw and attracted participants from various sectors including nuclear power plants (NPPs), technical support organizations (TSOs), regulatory bodies, and other related organizations.

The training aimed to enhance the participants' understanding of both deterministic and probabilistic integrity analyses of RPVs under PTS conditions. A total of 20 trainees had the opportunity to learn the basics and applications of the FAVOR/CAPAL code, a key tool in structural integrity analysis of RPVs.

Key topics covered during the course included:

  • General Aspects of FAVOR/CAPAL: An introduction to the capabilities and uses of the FAVOR/CAPAL software in structural integrity analysis.
  • Basics of FAVLOAD: Understanding the fundamental operations of the FAVLOAD module within the code.
  • Understanding the INPUT and OUTPUT: Detailed sessions on how to interpret and manage the input and output data in FAVOR/CAPAL.
  • Practical Exercise – BASE CASE APAL: Hands-on experience with a base case scenario.
  • Post-Processing the Output in PYTHON: Training on how to process and analyze the output data using Python for enhanced data handling and interpretation.
  • Basics of FAVPFM: Introduction to the probabilistic fracture mechanics module, FAVPFM, and its applications.
  • Understanding the INPUT and OUTPUT: Further sessions focusing on the input and output specific to the probabilistic module.
  • Practical Exercise – BASE CASE APAL: Another hands-on exercise focused on applying the probabilistic analysis techniques.

Participants actively engaged in discussions and practical exercises, ensuring they could effectively apply the knowledge gained in their respective organizations. This training course is part of APAL's broader dissemination activities aimed at promoting advanced methodologies for assessing the structural integrity of RPVs under PTS conditions.

Attendees following Oriol Costas presentation