State Enterprise “State Scientific and Technical Center
for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” - SSTC NRS

SSTC NRS was established in 1992 as an inherent part of the national regulatory infrastructure, which is presently managed by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU). SSTC NRS specialises in scientific, engineering and expert support to regulator in all safety-related areas to ensure protection of public health, safety and the environment. SSTC NRS carries out its statutory function as a sole Technical Safety Organisation (TSO) by:

  • contributing to improvement of the national regulatory system, in particular due to converging the Ukrainian and the EU regulatory bases and safety practices
  • supporting regulatory decision-making in a licensing process
  • ensuring oversight function of regulation
  • carrying out applied research related to safety issues and implementing advanced approaches, methodologies and practices into regulatory, licensing and safety assurance activities

SSTC NRS has vast experience of international cooperation, participation in EU INSC and EBRD projects, in the Euratom R&D Framework Programmes and in multilateral (IAEA) and bilateral activities. SSTC NRS is an associated member of the European TSOs’ Network (ETSON) and member of the SNETP/NUGENIA.

In APAL, SSTC NRS contributes to the project activities of WP1: LTO improvements for PTS analysis through cases of WPS applicability, acceptance criteria, the analysis of transients for WPS application and expected margins for brittle fracture with WPS application. In WP2, SSTC NRS takes part in identification of most influential human actions in PTS, perform benchmarks etc.

35-37 V.Stusa Street
03142, Kyiv

Main Contacts

Oleksii Shugailo, PhD
Oleksii Shugailo, PhD
Team Leader / Head of Long-Term Operation Department
Maksym Vyshemirskyi
Maksym Vyshemirskyi
Deputy Team Leader / Researcher in the Thermal Hydraulic Safety Analysis Laboratory
Dmytro Gumenyuk
Dmytro Gumenyuk
Head of Safety Analysis Unit
Oleg Zhabin
Oleg Zhabin
Head of Thermal Hydraulic and Probabilistic Safety Analysis Department
Oleg Zelenyi
Oleg Zelenyi
Head of Strength and Reliability Analysis Unit