ÚJV Řež, a. s.
ÚJV Řež, a. s., located in Řež, Czech Republic, provides a broad range services from concept studies of new nuclear facilities, operational support and upgrading of existing NPPs to waste management. With its about 850 employees, ÚJV Řež deals with safety and reliability of nuclear facilities, including reactor and neutron physics, thermal-hydraulics, radiation chemistry, material research, SSCs design, environment protection, dosimetry and waste management.
Mainly two divisions of ÚJV Řež, a. s. - the Division of Integrity and Technical Engineering and the Division of Nuclear Safety and Reliability - will be engaged in the APAL project. Plant life management and components integrity assessment are key expertise areas of the Division of Integrity and Technical Engineering with around 150 experts. It covers materials testing, materials ageing and structural integrity evaluation, NDE and condition monitoring and lifetime prediction. Division is responsible for the preparation of the plant life management system for long term operation of Czech NPPs and is in that field very active also in Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Armenia. Division of Nuclear Safety and Reliability is engaged in research and development in the field of reactor physics, fuel cycle, safety analyses, severe accidents, probabilistic safety assessment, emergency preparedness, diagnostics and reliability of the existing and new reactor technologies.
ÚJV Řež is the coordinator of the APAL project and leader of the work package WP2 (Improved TH analysis). Furthermore, ÚJV Řež actively participates in all mandatory and most non-mandatory tasks of the deterministic and probabilistic benchmark and margin assessment calculations (WP3, WP4). ÚJV Řež also takes part in definition of the LTO improvements (WP1) and preparation of the best-practice document (WP5). Due to its experience in previous projects focused on RPV integrity assessment (OECD: PROSIR, ICAS, IAEA: PTS benchmark, CRP9, EU: VERLIFE, COVERS, DEFI-PROSAFE, etc.), ÚJV Řež is capable to manage and solve technical questions and issues that arise during the project. Like all other partners, ÚJV Řež also contributes to WP6 and WP7.