- Finite Element Analysis of Pressurized Thermal Shock Induced Stresses in a Reactor Pressure Vessel
Bernadett S., Szabolcs S.
GEP (2022)
- State-of-the-art for Probabilistic PTS Analysis
Tiete R., Angermeier K., Pistora V.
SMiRT-26 (2022)
- State-of-the-art of Long-Term Operation Improvements relevant for PTS Analysis
Cueto-Felgueroso C., Pistora V., Szávai S., Zarazovskii M., Clifford I., Tiete R., Kral P.
SMiRT-26 (2022)
- Comprehensive Analysis of the WPS effect performed for the purpose of RPV Long-Term Operation
Zarazovskii M., Pistora V., Lauerova D., Yasniy P., Ishchenko O.
SMiRT-26 (2022)
- Development of a 3D-RPV Finite Element Model for Pressurized Thermal Shock Analyses
Costa Garrido O., Kromar N., Prošek A., Cizelj L.
NENE2022 (2022)
- State-of-the-Art of WPS in RPV PTS Analysis
Zarazovskii M., Pištora V., Lauerova D., Obermeier F., Fernando Mora Mendez D., Dubyk Y., Bolinder T., Cueto-Felgueroso Garcia C., Szávai S., Dudra J., Costa Garrido O., Blain C., Puustinen M., Katsuyama J., Bass R., T. Williams P., Shugailo O.
ASME2022 (2022)
- Impact of Selected Long-Term Operation Improvements Relevant to the Pressurized Thermal Shock in PWR a
Mazgaj P., Darnowski P., Trewin R., Kral P., Puustinen M.
13th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society (2022)
- Codes and methods improvements for safety assessment and LTO: varied approaches
Cagnac A., Verrier D., Pistora V.
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. Vol. 9 (2023)
- Development of 3D fracture mechanics submodels for PTS analyses of an RPV with cracks
O. Costa Garrido, N. Kromar, A. Prošek, L. Cizelj.
NENE2023 (2023)
- LTO Modifications to Reduce the PTS Issue – Results of TH Calculations in the Context of the APAL European Project.
Puustinen M., Patel G., Kral P., Nikl T., Clifford I., Trewin R., Hartung J., Mateos Canals I., Prošek A., Sokolowski L., Mazgaj P., Vyshemirsky M.
NURETH-20 (2023)
- Best-Estimate-Plus-Uncertainty Analyses of PTS Using a Mixing-Analysis Program for the APAL European Project
Trewin R., Kral P., Nikl T.
NURETH-20 (2023)
- CFD simulations of the UPTF-TRAM Test C1
Fogliatto E., Clifford I.
NURETH-20 (2023)
- State of the Art for Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Pressurised Thermal Shock Scenarios
Clifford I., Kral P., Vyskocil L., Pistora V., Trewin R., Filonova Y., Filonov V., Sokolowski L., Hartung J., Szávai S., Prošek A., Roy J., Puustinen M., Vyshemirskyi M., Bass R., Williams P., Takeda T., Cueto-Felgueroso C.
NURETH-20 (2023)
- Evaluation of Uncertainties in Thermal-Hydraulic Analyses of PTS for the APAL European Project
Trewin R., Prošek A., Kral P., Clifford I., Perret G., Hartung J., Mateos Canals I., Roy J., Dubyk J., Filonova Y.
NURETH-20 (2023)
- Advanced TPS Analysis for LTO – Overview of APAL Project
Pistora V.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Centered Benchmark on Structural Assessment within APAL Project – Results and Conclusions
Spisák B., Tiete R., Pistora V., Dillström P., Szávai S., Costa-Garrido O., Mora D.F., Baranova P., Blasset S., Pošta M., Šišková K., Dubyk Y., Darnowski P., Mazgaj P., Shugailo O., Diemienkov V.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Deterministic benchmark definition for the Advanced Pressurized thermal shock Analysis for Long term operation (APAL) project
Blasset S., Tiete R.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Evaluation of the deterministic benchmark for the Advanced Pressurized thermal shock Analysis for Long term operation (APAL) project
Angermeier K., Dubyk Y., Tiere R.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Time Increment Effect of Input Thermo-Hydraulic and Output Structural Data on PTS Analyses Results
Costa-Garrido O., Mora D.F., Clifford I., Prošek A., Cizelj L.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Pressurized Thermo-Shock Analyses for LTO Improvements Based on TRACE Thermo- Hydraulic Data
Mora D.F., Costa-Garrido O., Clifford I.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Fracture mechanical assessment of thermal-hydraulic uncertainties in pressurized thermal shock analyses of reactor pressure vessels
Heckmann K., Sievers J., Bläsius C., Mateos Canals I., Hartung J.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Probabilistic benchmark definition for the APAL project
Blasset S., Tiete R.
SMiRT-27 (2023)
- Probabilistic benchmark within the APAL project – Results and Conclusions
Dillström P., von Unge P., Shipsha A.
SMiRT-27 (2023)